St. Mary’s College Junior School

Enrolment Ceremony

Enrolment Ceremony

The boys in Forms 2 and 2.1 were very excited on Friday, October 20th as they began their First Communion journey. The boys welcomed their parents and other family members to their Enrolment Ceremony in the school chapel. During the ceremony, the boys sang 'This is the Day' and 'This Little Light of Mine'.

The boys would like to thank our school chaplain Father Gus and also to their class teachers Mr. Owen and Ms. Thompson and to David Halpin for helping to organise the ceremony. A big thank you must also go to Ms. Walsh the music teacher for helping the boys learn the songs, Tomas McMahon for accompanying the songs on the piano and to Marco Li and Leo Wang for playing before the ceremony.

We are all looking forward to First Holy Communion day in May!

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Monthly Mass
Feb 10
Friendship Week
Feb 11
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Rugby trip to Wales
Rathmines, Dublin 6, Ireland, D06X302
+353 1 499 5721
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