Junior Infants really enjoyed Science Week recently.
We did a fun experiment each day to mark this important week.
Firstly, we made butter using double cream in a jar. The boys worked in groups taking turns to shake the jar. We then had a toast party as a treat after all our hard work making butter!
We also did the skittles experiment as a whole group activity. This was our favourite experiment over the week! The skittles were placed in a circle on the edge of a plate. We poured some warm water on and waited for the results! The boys were amazed by the patterns created.
On Thursday, we did an experiment to create dancing raisins using fizzy water. This experiment showed us how the raisin was denser than the water. The bubbles from the fizzy water got trapped in the grooves of the raisins helping the raisins float back to the surface. As the bubbles popped, the raisin began to sink again.
Finally, we make a rain cloud in a jar using water, shaving foam and blue food colouring and we grew gummy bears by soaking them in water.
Have a look at all of the fun pictures below!