The Scariest Halloween Ever!
By Daithí Kennedy
It was October the 31st, Halloween night! Gary and Barry were very excited as they began to dress up in their Halloween costumes. Barry was dressing up as a pencil and Gary was dressing up as Neo from The Matrix. As the boys were both ten years old, they were now allowed to go trick-or-treating themselves. They couldn’t wait to get ready and hit the streets to scare people and of course… get lots of treats!
Once they were on the streets, they called to a few houses and got some decent treats: a full-size Reese’s Nutrageous bar, Haribos and an orange from the old lady next door. Later, Gary was telling Barry about the time he went to Australia when Barry shouted “OW!!! I WAS BITTEN BY A MOSQUITO ON MY ARM!!!” They carried on for a few more minutes until the bite in Barry’s arm was red and swollen, and Barry couldn’t take any more pain.
He started crying and when the first tear hit the ground, he became all stiff and rigid and then stood still. He then started chanting in Latin. “DIABOLUS VOCAT” eight times and his eyes rolled backwards into his head.
“HELP!!!” screamed Gary, running away from Barry. Gary kept on running for a few minutes until he had lost sight of Gary. He went straight home and straight to bed.
The next day, at school, Gary found no trace of Barry. But there were strange markings all around town on walls, fences, and roads. It looked like Latin and there was one word in all the markings… “What did those Duolingo lessons teach me?” wondered Gary. “DEVIL!!! I must try and find Barry”, he thought, so Gary decided to go to Barry’s house. Barry’s mother opened the front door.
“Hello, hello, Gary, how are you?” she asked.
“Fine,” replied Gary. “I just have one question. Do you know where Barry is?”
“No, I thought he was at school with you,” replied Barry’s mother.
“He wasn’t, that’s why I called over here,” said Gary, in a scared voice. “Anyway, that’s all I wanted,” said Gary, confusedly “Thanks.”
Gary was almost at his house which was beside a graveyard. He was going to open the door when the chanting coming from Barry last night started coming from the graveyard.
Gary thought “What’s the worst that could happen” so he ventured into the graveyard. He was just passing a bush when he felt a hand grasp his shoulder and someone shouted “TRICK!!!” Gary turned around to see Barry!
“Trick!?!” Gary exclaimed. “You scared the hell out of me!!!”
“Sorry, I was just getting back at you for playing a trick on me last year. Now we’re even”.
And that’s what friends do!