Development Education plays an important role in our school curriculum. Development Education aims to support young people to increase their awareness and understanding of the interdependent and unequal world in which we live, through a process of interactive learning, debate, action and reflection.
Our Development Education Committee meet regularly to discuss the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These goals focus on areas such as, providing quality education for all, putting an end to global hunger and ensuring that life, both on land and below water is sustainably managed and protected.
The Development Education Committee work alongside the committee from the Senior School to coordinate projects between the two schools. The two committees work together to identify a theme to focus on for the year. These discussions culminate in a 'showcase'/gathering at the end of the school year. This showcase involves all of the Spiritan schools, both senior and junior, coming together to discuss this annual theme, share ideas and impart knowledge and express their own understanding and insights.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are as follows: