St. Mary’s College Junior School


St. Mary’s College Scout Group

"Weekly meetings; hikes and outdoor activities; weekends away; teamwork, adventure skills. And of course – camping. All part of traditional Scouting at St Mary's College”


The St Mary’s College Scout Group is one of the oldest scout units in Ireland. It was set up in 1941 and has been actively providing Scouting to the boys of the College ever since. We have 3 programme sections; Cub Scouts for boys in 3rd, 4th and 5th classes; Scouts for boys in 6th class up to 4th Year, and Venturers for boys in 5th and 6th Year. All of our Leaders are past members of the Group and most are past pupils. In fact, it was two past pupils, Father Tom and Ernest Farrell who founded the Catholic Boys Scouts of Ireland in 1927, a fact we are all very proud of.

With Licence from the Spiritan Congregation and with a Memorandum of Understanding with both Junior and Senior School Boards of Management, the Group the support and assistance of Scouting Ireland provides Scouting to all the students of the college.

As a member of the Scout Group your son will experience traditional Scouting. This means working in small groups (sixes/patrols/crews), working outdoors, advancing their Adventure Skills, and developing self discipline through wearing full and correct uniform, learning how to stand at alert and fall in/out, and being educated in the Scouting Method.


Our Scouting year commences in September and finishes in June. The Cub Section is divided into two Packs. A Pack meets on Tuesday evenings, and B Pack meets on Thursday evenings. Forms 3'1, 4'1, and 5'1 join the A Pack. Forms 3, 4, and 5 join the B Pack. Both Packs meet in the Scout Den in Kenilworth Square. Pack meetings consist of Games, Six Activities, and Badgework. In place of two meetings each month, the Pack go Hiking or take part in some outdoor activity In addition to the meetings and activities, the Pack will go on a number of Weekend Activities throughout the year. The year finishes with an Annual Camp at which all Cubs are expected to participate. We hold annual Parents Meetings and all the Leaders are always available to talk with you.


If your son is interested please email your son’s details (name, Class and Form, and contact number) to


Our Scouting year commences in September and finishes in June. Our Scout Section currently has one Troop, The 7th Troop. The members of the 7th come from the students of 6th Class to 4th Year. For meetings the 7th meet in the Scout Den in Kenilworth Square. Meetings consist of Patrol and individual games, Adventure skills sessions, planning and reviewing events, using both the Den and the Square to its fullest extent. Every second weekend the Troop goes hiking, outdoor cooking, bivuac building or takes part in some outdoor activity (kayaking, rock climbing, sea swimming, cycling etc). In addition to the meetings and activities, the 7th will go on a number of weekend camping/hostelling trips throughout the year. The year finishes with an Annual Camp either in the UK or on mainland Europe. Everyone is expected to attend. We hold two Parents Meetings each year and all the Leaders are always available to talk with you.


If your son is interested please email your son’s details (name, Class and Form, and contact number) to

Memorandum of Understanding between 6/7/8th Dublin Scout Group of Scouting lreland and St.
Mary's College C.S.Sp Boards of Management

1. The Boards of Management of the Junior & Senior Schools (BOM) are committed to
supporting the 6th / 7th / 8th Dublin Group, St. Mary's College C.S.Sp (SMS), a member Scout
Group of Scouting lreland (Sl), as it continues to offer Scouting to the boys in the College.
SMS was founded in the College in 1941, with evolving operational and governance
procedures since then. The SMS is organised on a voluntary basis by past pupils of the

2. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to give up-to-date governance clarity
required to support Scouting in the College and to facilitate the SMS to form part of the
College community for the long term future.

3. ln line with S.l. policy and to comply with the Charities Act 2009 the SMS will be registering
with the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA) as a charity. Consequently, the SMS will
assume statutory obligations arising from the Act in addition to its obligations as a member
Scout Group of Scouting lreland. The members of the Scout Group Council will become
Trustees under the Charities Act 2009.


1. The Board of Management facilitates the SMS, a scout Group of scouting lreland, to operate
in Kenilworth Square including access to the Scout Den, a building managed and maintained
by the SMS on terms agreed from time to time with the lrish Spiritan Congregation.

2. ln order for this facility to continue the SMS will supply the BOM with the same reports and
information which it is required to submit annually to S.l. and the CRA. Such documents will
include a summary report on operations in the previous year and financial reports which
demonstrate the financial stability of the SMS. lf the SMS or any of its registered Scouters is
sanctioned by S.l. or by the CRA for a disciplinary or statutory breach the SMS shall so inform
the BOM within seven days.

3. The Boards of Management support the use of Kenilworth Square by the SMS, subject to
continued permission from, and within the conditions set, by the lrish Spiritan Congregation
as the owners of the facility. The school buildings in Rathmines are also available for events
by arrangement with the school authorities.


4. The SMS plans and organises its programme of activities. Sanction is required from the school
for fundraising or any planned activity that has an implication for the running of either of the
two schools, such as absence from school for Scouting activities.

5. An internal disciplinary or pastoral care issue in the SMS is a matter for and within the scope
of SMS's (as may be guided by Scouting lreland) own procedures and Code of Behaviour.

6. Safeguarding matters in SMS are dealt with through the reporting procedures of Scouting
lreland. The SMS, pursuant to its affiliation with the governing and regulating body Sl, will
comply with all Sl Child Protection and Safeguarding standards, requirements and

7. Should the SMS or one of its Scouters be sanctioned by S.1., the CRA or the Courts, the SMS
will immediately inform the College. The SMS will enter into dialogue as may be requested by
the BOM and accepts the duty of the BOM to act as it sees fit to protect the good name of
the College if the issue involved is considered to require action by the BOM. lf for other
reasons the BOM should at a future date determine that Scouting should be no longer
offered to the pupils of the College, the BOM will consult with the SMS, explain its reasoning,
and give reasonable notice of the implementation date for such a decision to the SMS.

8. The SMS will provide the BOM with confirmation of its re-chartering each year by S'1., the
Charter being confirmation of the ongoing good standing of the SMS within S l.

9. It is noted here, as an additional potential support for concerned adults or children, that the
two school principals (currently Mary O'Donnell and Denis Murphy) are the Designated
Liaison Persons for Child Protection issues for the two schools respectively. They may be
contacted by any person including scouts or scout Leaders or parents regarding a child
Protection concern. They will deal with the issue in accordance with their mandated roles
under child protection legislation and guidelines.

This Memorandum of Understanding will be reviewed by both parties every three years with a view
to updating as required.

This Memorandum of Understanding will be enacted for the first time when the Spiritan Property &
Finance Office advise the parties below that the licence arrangements for the use of the facilities in
Kenilworth Square have been completed.

Mary O'Donnell Secretary, Junior School Board of Management (2020)
Denis Murphy, Secretary, Senior School Board of Management
Daniel Carvill, Group Leader, 6th / 7th / 8th Dublin Group, S. Mary's College C.S.SP

Feb 10
Friendship Week
Feb 11
Safe Internet Day
Feb 13
Rugby trip to Wales
Feb 14
School closes at 1pm
Rathmines, Dublin 6, Ireland, D06X302
+353 1 499 5721
© 2025 St. Mary’s College Junior School